All FAQ pages should include Frequently Provided Answers!

  • Can I play a sport if I attend STC?

Yes, you can still participate in sports, or other extracurricular activities at your sending school. We have students who are in band, on teams, in drama club, art club, honor society, and many others.

  • What if I want to go to college?

We think that is great! At STC you may have the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school. You can use dual enrollment, or articulation agreements to earn credits.

  • Do I just stay in one room all day?

No of course not. You will spend a great deal of time in your program area, whether that is culinary or welding.  You may also attend academics in some other classroom. At the very least we let you out of the classroom for lunch!!

  • Where do I graduate from?

Your diploma is issued by your sending school. We work with sending schools closely to make sure that you get all your credits for graduation.

  • What if I don’t know what I want to be?

We think that is okay. Some students come to us with a plan in mind. Others come to us to explore a career. It is much less expensive to try something here than to go away to a college only to find out that you prefer eating to cooking, or driving a car to repairing one.

  • May I drive to school?

We have limited parking spots available. We give preference to students with academic classes that require them to come early or stay late, and to students who are leaving to work at an internship.

  • What about my friends?

You will most likely make new friends, and your old friends are only a text away!