STC DECA Students Place First In State Of Vermont In The 2nd Round Of The Virtual Business Challenge

Hospitality and Entrepreneurship Distributive Education Club of America ( DECA ) students at Stafford Technical Center recently participated in the national Virtual Business Challenge sponsored by Knowledge Matters, Inc.  The challenge was one of two that started on January 5th and ended on January 30th.  Teams Red Firecrackers, Brianna Allen and Kati Messer of Mill River Union High School, and The Finish Line, Stephen Bassett  from Otter Valley Union High School and Bethany Bushman of Rutland High School, placed first in Retailing and Sports, respectively,  for the state of Vermont. Merchandise Maniacs, Jenna Pelkey from Otter Valley Union High School and Ashley Bruno from West Rutland High School placed second in Retailing, while Uncommon Grounds, Christina Campo and Alison McLellan, both of Proctor High School came in fourth.


“The Retailing Track of the DECA Virtual Business Challenge ( VBC) encourages DECA members to test their skills at managing a retail convenience store. This competition is a free event for dues paying DECA members. Participating members utilize a competition version of the Virtual Business – Retailing classroom software, which is currently being used in over 4,000 classrooms in 50 states and Canada. Virtual Business is a software program that was created by Knowledge Matters. The initial feasibility research was funded by a U.S. Department of Education SBIR Contract.”

From   Knowledge   Matters   website.


“The Sports Track of the DECA VBC encourages DECA members to test their skills at managing a football franchise individually or as a team. This competition is a free event for dues paying DECA members. Participating members utilize a competition version of the Virtual Business – Sports classroom software, which is currently being used in over 4,000 classrooms in 50 states and Canada. Virtual Business is a software program that was created by Knowledge Matters. The initial feasibility research was funded by a U.S. Department of Education SBIR Contract.”

From   Knowledge   Matters   website.