Heritage Family Credit Union donates prizes for Financial Literacy

The Heritage Family Credit Union donated a Wii Fit System, Nintendo DS, and an MP3 player that were given away on June 5th to students in Stafford Technical Center’s Hospitality & Entreprenuership program.  The student’s names were entered throughout the year for every financial literacy test they passed.  The curriculum is free through the National Endowment for financial education.  The Heritage Family Credit Union supports the teaching of financial literacy to high school students. Their generous donation served as motiviation for students to score well on their financial tests.

These students names were drawn for the following prizes: 

Wii Fit System: Stephen Bassett (Otter Valley Union High School)

Nintendo DS: Alison McLellan (Proctor High School)

MP3 Player: Jenna Pelkey (Otter Valley Union High School)

Stafford would like to thank the Heritage Family Credit Union for their generosity and for supporting financial literacy.  We also extend our gratitude to Katrina Kessop who has done a tremendous job as our “resident teller” at our STC Heritage Credit Union Branch.  Kessop instructs the Hospitality and Entreprenuership students how to properly handle money and assist customers with credit union transactions.