Forestry & Natural Resources Students Learn by Doing

IMG_0640Stafford Technical Center’s Forestry & Natural Resources Program have begun a landscaping project on the property adjacent to Central Vermont Public Service Corporation’s (CVPS) planned solar-array power station along Route 7, just north of Rutland. The students are involved in a number of work activities including felling and limbing the pine and spruce trees on the property. The removal of these trees will expose the panels to the greatest amount of sunlight possible, especially in the winter months. The trees will be chipped and the wood chips will be used on the public path adjoining the project. In addition, the students will be planting trees and shrubs to beautify the area and delineate the boundaries.

This exciting partnership between Stafford and CVPS allows students to integrate their forestry curriculum while learning valuable safety and workplace readiness skills in an employment setting.