FCCLA Launches National Outreach Project “Dig It !”

Student members of Stafford Technical Center’s FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America) are starting a donation campaign for the Children’s Miracle Network.  They will collect donations and make a wall of stars with the names of the contributors on it. All money collected will be routed through the Children’s Miracle Network to Fletcher Allen Healthcare Children’s Hospital in Burlington, VT.  FCCLA members will visit the hospital in May and bring flowers that they have grown in honor on sick children. This campaign is an exciting new partnership with the nation’s largest charity for children and  one of the largest in-school organizations, FCCLA. For more information about this campaign contact Susan Densmore, Stafford’s Human Services Instructor and local FCCLA advisor at [email protected]or visit FCCLA’s website at www.fcclainc.com