Stafford Students Receive Recognition at Statewide Events

Photo: George Berry-Stafford Hospitality and Entrepreneurship Program; Honorable Mention Winner for Entreprenuership Poster

Stafford Technical Center’s (STC) Hospitality & Entrepreneurship Students fared quite well in recent events help in Montpelier on February 9th.

First, George Barry, a student in the STC program and a junior at Rutland High School, received an Honorable Mention Award for his poster on Entrepreneurship. This contest is held annually  to commemorate Entrepreneurship Week in Vermont, and students create posters based on an entrepreneurial theme.

Also, a team of Stafford Hospitality & Entrepreneurship Students participated in the Vermont Life Smarts Challenge held at the Pavilion Building near the Vermont Statehouse. The following students had progressed to the semi-finals.  Those students were; Breeauna Frazier (Captain) Rutland High School Senior, Marisa Chamberlain-Otter Valley Senior, Alicia Hill-Rutland High School Senior, and Nick Sweet-Rutland High School Junior. The students were quizzed on a number of topics including personal finance and technology to consumer rights and responsibilities.