Stafford SADD Chapter Enters National Contest


The Stafford Technical Center SADD Chapter has entered the contest, which is designed to promote teen driving safety. The contest is open to any co-curricular organization in any public, parochial, or private high school or junior high school in theUnited States. About 300 schools entered the contest, and formed teams of five student members, an advisor, and a community leader. The first phase of the contest is a contest designed to make a “safety-tee” t-shirt which warns of the dangers of operating a motor vehicle while texting.

   The Stafford SADD members came up with a theme for the T-shirt; the theme was “Decide Your F8, Texting Can W8”. The SADD members ran a school-wide contest to design the shirt, with the prize being a pizza party for all the students in the winner’s program area. The winning design was made by Sierra Quenneville, a student fromOtterValleyUnionHigh School, who is in the Hospitality and Entrepreneurship Program.  The T-shirt competition will result in 25 winners, one of which will be chosen by voting on’s Facebook page as the winner.

   The Stafford SADD Team consists of RutlandHigh School’s Megan Barber, Kayla Temple, and Rachel Ray, as well as Stephen Marcoux and Brian Ward from Fair Haven Union High School.