Installation of Officers

Stafford FCCLA Officers for 2013-2014: L-R: Kaelin Reopell, Lexi Tittemore, Jessica Cota, Sarah Durkee, and Marie Whalen

The Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Chapter at Stafford Technical Center recently installed new officers for the 2013 and 2014 school year.  The officers are Jessica Cota-President (RHS),  Lexi Tittemore-Vice President/Parliamentarian (RHS) ,Sarah Durkee-Secretary/Reporter (RHS), Maria Whalen-Treasurer (Mill River) and  Kaelin Reopell-Historian (West Rutland). They were installed in a special ceremony attended by family, friends, and Stafford Technical Center Staff. All of the officers are enrolled in Stafford’s Human Services.

The mission of FCCLA is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences Education.