Game of Forestry

One competition dealt with physical strength and coordination, the other knowledge and teamwork. Translation: Game of Logging and Envirothon. Students in Stafford’s Forestry, Natural Resources, and Horticulture Program performed admirably in both competitions. On May 13th, Nick Coolidge, Hannah Poljacik, Tyler Laughlin, CJ McCullough and Justin Campanelli placed 2nd in the Forestry and 3rd in the Wildlife portions of the Envirothon Competition at the Farm and Wilderness Camp in Plymouth, Vermont.  The theme of this year’s Envirothon was sustainable agriculture. The Envirothon is a written exam in 4 different categories plus a 15 minute presentation about the current issue. The Game of Logging Competition took place on May 13th in Enosburg Falls, Vermont.  Nick Coolidge, Tyler Laughlin, and Jacob Carter placed in the top 10 out of 30 students, and Nick Coolidge placed 3rd overall. The Game of Logging is a precision and safety based competition. The students competed in a number of different events.