Meet Dave Gillam, our incredible Food Service Consultant from MacCauley’s Food Service and proud #STCVT alumnus!
Flashback to the 1970s: Dave was a star in the Quantity Foods program at the Rutland Area Vocational Center (or VoTech, as it was known back then). He was part of the “middle class,” making and serving hot lunches like a pro during the midday shift. 

With no bus service from the high school on Library Ave, Dave and his classmates would carpool to the VoTech on Stratton Road, diving straight into preparing meals with barely a moment to spare! 

Fast forward 40+ years, and Dave is still making waves in the food industry, now serving on the Program Advisory for Culinary Arts, helping shape the next generation of culinary talent. 

Check out the vintage photo from the Rutland Herald next to Dave’s pic—while it’s not him, it gives a glimpse of the pots and pans that have stood the test of time! 

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