Public Safety is designed for students who want to learn how to become a law enforcement officer.

College Credits

Intro to Criminal Justice (3 credits) CCV

Forensics & Crime Scene Investigation (3 credits) CCV


  • Incident Command Certification
  • American Heart Association Heartsaver® CPR/AED
  • Mandated Reporter Child and Vulnerable Adult
  • Security Officer Skills Training
  • Department of Homeland Security S.A.R. training
  • Lexipol Police1 and Fire1 Course certifications
  • DOH Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Training-4 courses
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency Certifications 8 courses
  • National Incident Management Systems Certifications
  • Conover Workplace Readiness
  • ACT National Career Readiness Certificate

Advisory Committee

  • Sheriff David FoxRutland County Sheriff’s Department
  • Lt. Kevin GenoRutland County Sheriff’s Department
  • Mark StocktonStockton Security
  • Ian SullivanRutland County State’s Attorney
  • William LovettRutland City Fire  Department
  • Ernie LaguardiaRutland CIty Police Department
  • SSgt Dylan Brown— Vermont Army National Guard
  • SSgt Joseph Goodreau—United States Army Career Development
  • Lt Doug NortonVermont State Police
  • Thomas Giffin—VT Dept of Corrections, Ret
  • Melanie GaiottiVermont Department of Liquor Control
  • Jane Bourhill—Vermont Department of Health
  • Mike Dounetos—Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility
  • Student Representative—Public Safety/ Criminal Justice student

This program is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in the public safety and criminal justice system with an emphasis on first-year students learning the fundamentals of investigations during the fall semester (1st/2nd Terms), and for the spring semester (3rd/4th Terms) students enroll in CCV’s 3 credit, Introduction to Criminal Justice, as a part of the first-year program. Second-year students learn what it takes to serve in public safety career fields such as the courts, police, firefighter, and emergency medical services, leadership, and cooperative learning/internships are a required part of their second-year program. The program studies are academically rigorous preparing students for a career in public safety and criminal justice fields.

What We Do

Students will examine law enforcement, the courts, and corrections in addition to practicing crime scene investigation skills used by forensic investigators. Through hands-on skill building, guest speakers, field trips, and career exploration projects, students investigate the variety of career opportunities available to them in public safety and criminal justice while earning industry-recognized credentials.

Entry Requirements

Recommended Prerequisites: Able to perform customary measurement; ability to perform physical activities in a gym and during simulated scenarios, ability to work well with others, effective communication skills, maturity and integrity, and commitment to avoid unlawful and delinquent behavior.

Reading Level of class materials: Grade 10

Program Instructor – June Kelly

June Kelly began her teaching career with the Vermont Police Academy, as an in-service training instructor teaching various police skills. She started teaching at Stafford Technical Center in August 2019. She is a graduate of St. Michael’s College with an M.Ed. in Curriculum, Trinity College with a B.A. in Sociology/Criminal Justice, and A.A.S. from the Community College of the Air Force in Aircraft Maintenance Technology. She worked in Vermont policing for more than 30 years and during her career, she served as a police officer, deputy sheriff, detective, Sergeant, and as a crew chief in the Air National Guard. She served as the Assistant Director at the Vermont Police Academy for over 10 years. June is a graduate of the 172nd session of the FBI National Academy. She enjoys camping, hiking, canoeing, and fishing, and volunteering as an Adjutant for her American Legion Post helping other veterans.

[email protected]       (802) 770-1416