With the Forestry class that we work closely with, we visited Vermont Frames in Starksboro. Specializing in timber frame custom homes and SIPs, they showed us how they manufacture timber structures and Structural Insulated Panels for their homes. We also got to practice with tools like chain mortisers, 16″ beam saws, and plunge routers that could clean out a hole 6″ deep!! This was all to prepare
us for our collaborative project… Forestry milled up some sugar maple into 8x8s and 4x8s and we are building a sap stand to elevate their gravity-fed 300-gallon (2,600lb.) sap tank 5’8″ off the ground. In the photos, you can see an example of our students’ isometric renderings of what we have started building this week. Also, you can see 1st year students downtown finishing a shed for Habitat for Humanity.