SNOW DAYS: I wanted to quickly provide a reminder about Snow Days. If your partner high school is CLOSED due to weather you are NOT expected to attend Stafford that day if Rutland City Schools is OPEN. Your absence will be waived and will not count against you. We love having students show up on days that their school is closed and Stafford is open but we do not want anyone risking their own personal safety. I would also mention that our Office Staff are not the ones making the decision about whether school is open or closed so please be kind when calling or emailing to ask clarifying questions.
Upcoming Safety Drill: Next week we will have a fire evacuation drill. As always, students, staff, and visitors will practice exiting the building safely in the event of a fire or other similar emergency. Once all occupants have been accounted for we will return to the building and resume our day as normal.
Upcoming Radon Testing: Please see the letter linked HERE regarding upcoming radon testing.
English: Each year the Young Writers’ organization holds a Fright Club contest for student written horror stories. This year Mr. Cillo submitted five student entries and we are excited to share that all five entries were selected and will appear in the book Fright Club – Ghoulish Sagas which will be published on April 28, 2025. Students were notified today of this honor of being a published author and we are excited to share their names with you!
Aiden Fowler – The House on Berkeley Street – Education & Human Services – Otter Valley Union High School
Zoey Bruso – Mom’s House – Cosmetology – Otter Valley Union High School
Dorian Lester – The Star – Otter Valley Union High School
Eric Grenier – The Call – Otter Valley Union High School
Maggie Kingston – Untitled – Otter Valley Union High School
Have a great Super Bowl weekend! Monday (2/10/25) will be a RED day.
Mrs. Connor