Sap Stand Work

Working with big hardwood Timbers! It’s not every day a carpenter gets to build a  structure with all large milled hardwoods like 8×8 maple, yellow birch, red oak, and ash. For this project, we are learning to use the tools and practice the techniques of timber building. Big saws and carefully laying out and shaping…

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Frame Off Restoration

Auto Body Repair students have begun a year-long project this week. They are restoring this old farm truck. This will be a frame-off restoration, taking care of all the rust and other body work as needed. Stay tuned for updates.

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Guest speaker event

– Rutland Regional Medical Center Security Officer Kendra Mitchell visited the PS & CJ Program on January 4, 2024, to share about her career as a security officer. She also shared how she is balancing her Criminal Justice college studies at Southern New Hampshire University. Kendra is a former student of this program currently working…

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Construction Visits Vermont Frames

With the Forestry class that we work closely with, we visited Vermont Frames in Starksboro. Specializing in timber frame custom homes and SIPs, they showed us how they manufacture timber structures and Structural Insulated Panels for their homes. We also got to practice with tools like chain mortisers, 16″ beam saws, and plunge routers that…

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Engineering Field Trip

The Engineering program embarked on two informative field trips recently. On November 29, the class visited VELCO and gained insight into the challenges faced by the power generation industry in generating and distributing electricity throughout the region. They also learned about VELCO’s 500 KW solar array and battery storage facility and the urgent need for…

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Public Safety Field Trip

Recently the Public Safety/Criminal Justice students went on a field trip to the Vermont Police Academy, Vermont Fire Academy, and the Vermont State Police Office of Professional Development & Recruiting. Students acted as volunteers in scenarios with officers in training. Field trips like this also give our students a chance to become comfortable in the…

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Community Service with Cosmetology

Every few weeks our Cosmetology students visit a senior living center and provide hand massages and manicures to the residents.  The residents look forward to this pampering and interaction with our students. Our students gain valuable skills in communication, customer service, and nail care. Everyone wins.

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Habitat for Humanity Shed

Students learned as part of their unit on Construction Math how to calculate, layout, and cut a roof rafter for a 4-pitch roof with a building span of 6 feet as they built the H4H shed. Special thanks to former Construction Tech teacher Jeff Fowler for continuing to work with STC on our advisory board…

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