students sit around a table listening to Caleb speak

Alum Visit to Natural Resources

Caleb Steves, a 2-year NRF student who won awards, events, and was chosen to compete in the G.O.L completion for Stafford, returned to visit and discuss his last two years with our full crew. Caleb has successfully completed 3 semesters of Paul Smith’s College’s esteemed Forestry major. He has risen from a “walk-on” to the…

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Red truck shines and reflects light

Completed Project!

The auto Body Repair students officially completed their first major project. This truck got full body and paint in it’s original color. Each student had their own panel, so everyone had a hand in this one, including paint. The customer was extremely pleased with the results and provided a special lunch to the program as…

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three students give thumbs up in front of a BROC sign with Director Tom Donahue

Weekly Update Feb 28, 2025

Parent Teacher Conferences: We will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, March 13th from 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM and on Friday from 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM.  Program Instructors will be reaching out to you to schedule but you can always contact them as well.  Conferences may be conducted in person, over the phone,…

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Weekly Update Feb 7, 2025

SNOW DAYS: I wanted to quickly provide a reminder about Snow Days.  If your partner high school is CLOSED due to weather you are NOT expected to attend Stafford that day if Rutland City Schools is OPEN.  Your absence will be waived and will not count against you. We love having students show up on days that…

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Red truck with fresh paint reflect the light from above.

Paint Project for Auto Body Repair

The Auto Body Repair students officially completed their first major project. This truck got full body and paint in its original color. Each student had their own panel, so everyone had a hand in this one, including paint. The customer was extremely pleased with the results and provided a special lunch to the program as…

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Color Theory and Color Practice

This month Cosmetology year one has been studying color theory. Students worked on a project creating a color wheel, complimentary, secondary, and tertiary colors, and how to neutralize them. In Cosmetology, every color should begin with a white base. Milk and food coloring was the perfect visual for them to create every color with only…

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Fancy Facelifts

The Digital Arts second years were recently approached by Cosmetology and Culinary Arts about redesigning some of their business branding. Under the supervision of David Townsend, the class was divided into two groups. The group consisting of Lucas Johnson, Charlie Souza, Alexis Howland, and Carmen Decato tackled making a new logo and rack card for…

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Students dressed in safety vests work on a downed tree in the snow

What is Femelschlag?

Natural Resources students have worked with Timothy Smith, Rutland City Forester and Arborist, and Joseph Epler, Assistant Forester and Arborist this semester. STC NRF and the foresters decided last spring to foster more wildlife, different age classes, and species of trees at the Norway Spruce plantation where we did our timber harvest last year. Like…

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